6. Compounds(tanru)
Those eggs were delicious! And there really are cats everywhere!
Yes, very delicious… (And here I was trying to go vegan…)
I feel ready to dive back in. Earlier, I felt like I got the hang of Lojban sentence structure pretty well.
If you can write a basic Lojban sentence, you only need to flesh out its terms and predicate to make it more expressive. First, let’s learn how to make more expressive predicates.
Linking predicate words together to create “tanru”
We’ll call words that can be used as a predicate, like klama or mlatu, “predicate words”. You can link these together and create compounds called “tanru”. Like this:
- blanu kanla mlatu
- Blue-eyed-cat.
- blanu
- x1 is blue
- kanla
- x1 is an eye of x2
- mlatu
- x1 is a cat of species x2
So you can use predicate words as modifiers?
That’s right. The first thing that’s important to remember is that there’s an unambiguous rule in Lojban to determine the relation of which predicate modifies which.
Huh. So can never be any miscommunications about what’s modifying what.
Right: the rules of “tanru” structure are set in stone. But be careful: this rule might make your tanru mean something you didn’t intend.
The rule is very simple: the part on the left always modifies the part to its right.
- ((blanu kanla) mlatu)
- It’s a ((blue eyed) cat).
- ((((stedu xunre) finpe) citka) mlatu)
- It’s a ((((head-is-red) fish) eating) cat).
- stedu
- x1 is a head of x2
- xunre
- x1 is red
- finpe
- x1 is a fish of species x2
- citka
- x1 eats x2
I see. Whereas if you say “red headed fish eating cat”, in English, you can’t tell whether it’s the fish or the cat whose head is red.
Remember how one of Lojban’s important characteristics is syntactic unambiguity? The fixed tanru structure is just one part of that.
Lojban (TODO)…
tanru は柔軟な意味をもつ
tanru は「X と関係のある Y」「X 的な Y」みたいにかなり緩い関係を意味します。
- blanu mlatu
- [青] [猫] だ
tanru は柔軟な解釈ができるから、文脈次第で色々なことが表現できるよ。
tanru も述語として使えます。PS(Place Structure)は最も右にある語と同じになる よ。
たとえば、{blanu mlatu} も {stedu xunre finpe citka mlatu} も、{mlatu} と同じPSを持ちます。
- ti blanu mlatu
- これは(何らかの種の)青い猫だ。
- tu stedu xunre finpe citka mlatu
- あれは(何らかの種の)頭が赤い魚を食べる猫だ。
True/False Questions
- tanru は述なれ語を連ねることで作ることができる。
- tanru は必ず一通りの構文解釈をとる。
- tanru の意味は必ず1つになる。
- tanru {blanu kanla mlatu} の修飾関係は ((blanu kanla) mlatu) である。
- 流石に {blanu mlatu}で「青い家に住んでいるネコだ」という意味には使えない。
-/- answers correct!